Foreign names of Soviet film fairy tales

Probably everyone knows that the rolling name of the film in other countries is often far from the original. This also affected old Soviet film fairy tales, many of which abroad showed the viewer under quite different names. So, for example, “The Tale of Lost Time” in Finland turned into “Witch Power”, and “Humpbacked Horse” in Germany into “Wonderful Horse”. And this is not all metamorphosis.

I prepared a small selection of the rolling titles of our favorite movie fairy tales in Western countries. Believe me, some of them are very original and interesting in their own way.

A wonderful fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" in Finland was titled "The Magic Mirror" (Taikapeili), and the fairy tale about Emelya "By the pike command" in Denmark was called the "Princess who did not want to laugh" (Prinsessen som ikke vilde le). “Golden Horns” in the world box office were called “Baba Yaga”, and “Marya the Wizard” in the American box office became the “Magic Weaver”

“Varvara-beauty, a long braid” in Finland became the “Beautiful Princess” (Kaunis prinsessa), and in Greece it received the remarkable name “Witches, fairies and the king” (Magisses, neraides kai to vasilopoulo)

The tale "Morozko", which I heard very much in Eastern Europe, in Germany went by the name "Adventure in a magical forest" (Abenteuer im Zauberwald)

Who is Kashchey the Immortal is probably not known everywhere, so the fairy tale with such a name in Finland came to be called the "Immortal skeleton" (Kuolematon luukoko), and in Hungary - the "Devil of Love" (A szerelem ördöge)

But “Vasilisa the Beautiful” among the Finns became known as the “Enchanted Bride” (Lumottu morsian), among the Hungarians “The Rage of the Dragon” (A sárkány rabja), among the Romanians “The Dragon”, and among Swedes in general “The Forest Troll” (Trollskogen)

Wonderful "Old Man Hottabych" in the USA and Brazil turned into a "Magic carpet" (The Flying Carpet), in Finland in the "Magician Baghdad" (Bagdin taikuri), in Hungary "A little boy and a magician" (A kisfiú és a varázsló), and in Poland - "Grandpa Hassan" (Dziadek Hassan)

The epic "Sadko" in Brazil received an additional epithet to the name - "Sadko the Fearless" (Sadko, O Intrépido), and in Hungary the film was called "The Bird of Happiness" (A boldogság madara). In Germany, the film received the name "Curious luck" (Lockendes Glück)

But the biggest metamorphosis occurred with him in the USA - Sadko suddenly became Sinbad, and the film began to be called “The Magic Journey of Sinbad” (The Magic Voyage of Sinbad)

But more than all the other titles gathered a film about another epic hero. The film "Ilya Muromets" in the UK became known as "The Epic Hero and the Beast (The Beast)" (The Epic Hero and the Beast), and in France "The Giant of the Steppes" (Le géant de la steppe)

In Hungary, this film was titled "Prince the Winner" (A fejedelem bajnoka), in Greece - the "Kiev Lion" (O leon tou Kievou), and in Italy - the "Winner of the Mongols" (Il conquistatore dei mongoli)

The Swedish title of the film is “Golden Sword” (Det gyllene svärdet), Finnish - “Battle of the Giants” (Jättiläisten taistelu), and Polish - “Three-headed dragon” (Trójglowy smok)

In Argentina, it was shown with the name "The Fall of the Barbarians" (El ocaso de los barbarous), and in Germany - the "Battle for the Golden Gate" (Der Kampf um das goldene Tor)

And the American and Spanish title of the film is "The Sword and the Dragon"

Sources ... ] Sources

All foreign names are taken from the site
Posters taken from,,,,,,

The article is based on materials
