Films that made Arnold Schwarzenegger popular

By the time Iron Arnie began building an acting career in Hollywood, he barely managed to settle in a new country. Less than six months, as it drew the attention of producer Aubrey Weisberg. Arnie was already a completely successful athlete - repeated title holder "Mr. Universe" (although the main sports fame was still to come)

But it’s not about the sporting achievements of Arnold Gustavich. We are about the movie. So Aubrey Weisberg had a script about the modern adventures of the mythological Hercules (well, or Hercules, as you like). And he decided that this young immigrant is quite suitable for the main role in his new project. Truth was the problem - accent. But the character was not very verbose. But it was only after the tests that the young athlete and the future star were decided to re-sound by another actor.

After this, which did not become very successful, Schwarzenegger had a couple of “eat filed” roles: the role of pitching in one of the screenshots of Raymond Chandler called “Long farewell”

and an episode in the TV movie "Happy Anniversary and Goodbye"

But all this was, so to speak, a breakdown of the pen. In 1976, when Schwarzenegger was at the peak of sports glory, and business projects brought a stable (and not small) income, a film was released that brought the beginning actor of the Golden Globe. In the movie "Stay Hungry", Arnie plays almost himself, his hero is a bodybuilder preparing for the "Mr. Olympia" competition. By the way, this “Globe” at the beginning of an acting career is the biggest film award for all his film activities.

It is impossible, of course, to leave unnoticed the documentary “Pumping iron”, about preparing bodybuilders for the competitions Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe in 1975

Then there was participation in the TV series "Streets of San Francisco" (where the main role was played by the young Michael Douglas)

and in the cheap sitcom "Beach tramps San Pedro" (from which there is not even a frame for illustration)

The main role in the comedy western "Cactus Jack" (now with Kirk Douglas)

And the episodic role of a sports instructor in the comedy "Garbage Hunt"

Another major role in the TV movie "The History of Jane Mansfield", where Arnie played the winner of the contest "Mr. Universe" in 1955, Mickey Khargita.

But the first real success came after the role of Conan in the films "Conan the Barbarian" and "Conan the Destroyer", based on the novels by the writer Robert Irwin Howard. Interestingly, despite the success of the audience, it was for this role that Arnie received the first nomination for the Golden Raspberry.

And then there was the "Terminator". The role that brought Schwarzenegger’s popularity to transcendental heights

It was after the role of the Terminator began the triumphal march of Iron Arnie on the cult militants of those years, to talk about which, I think you no longer need

Sources ... ] Sources photo u-iorke / tt vajsja_golodnym / age = 4 e & product_id = 1297932 ansfield-story-i80947 aserconan-117462.html sters-de-cinema-sem-textos-e-em-alta-res olucao-sim-mais-de-mil /

The article is based on materials
