The cut scene from the movie "Office Romance"

One of the most amusing scenes of the film "Office Romance" is considered to be an episode when an inordinately active trade union activist Shurotka almost buried the chief of the public catering department, Bublikova, almost alive. But in fact, with this episode, the action did not end and it had a continuation

In it, the furious department chief with a very inconvenient workplace (on which, well, it's simply impossible to concentrate on the matter) chased the entire institution for the frightened Shurochka to death. That's just in the movie, this bullfight is not included

Why? It's all about timekeeping. Ryazanov shot so much material that the film could be made not two-part, but four. But the film was shot full-length, for cinemas, and not serial for television. It is now a practice to shoot two versions of one cut for the movie and the second extended for TV. And then Ryazanov had to cut and choose only the best. This episode also went under the knife

But part of this fragment is preserved and we can all see what Ryazanov has not included in his favorite film ...

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A frame from x / f "Office romance", dir. Eldar Ryazanov, Mosfilm, 1977

The article is based on materials
