Foreign remakes of Russian serials

Yesterday I told you about foreign remakes of Soviet films. Today the continuation of the story - about foreign remakes of modern Russian serials. Yes, do not be surprised. Not only do we look at the products of our Western colleagues. Some Russian projects have received quite an official foreign registration

The first Russian series, re-shot abroad, became a sitcom "Daddy's Daughter". Remember, there was such a project, according to ITS, if I'm not mistaken, about a father alone and his five daughters of quite different ages. In 2009, the rights to the remake were acquired by the German cable channel, and, the following year, the German viewer saw the series "The Full House of Daughters." That's just the project was unsuccessful - it was closed due to low ratings after the 35 series.

But the remake of the successful project of another television channel - the sitcom "Interna" - repeated the success of the original in Lithuania. Their version of the adventures of young doctors counted 279 series.

And still their "Interns" will soon acquire in China - TNT sold the rights and in the Celestial Empire. But there the series is still in development

By the way, in the same Lithuania, another project was adapted. The truth is not serial, but a full meter. In the autumn of last year, they successfully sold their film "Kaip susigrazinti ja per 7 dienas" (How to return it in 7 days) -
the official remake of the comedy "Status is Free".

Another Russian comedy, "Bitter!", Soon awaits a remake in Mexico under the title "Until the wedding does not separate us." It seems that Zhora Kryzhovnikov even looked at the rough assemblies of the footage and told that the plot was "Bitter!" in the Mexican film adapted for local realities, irrelevant for Mexico scenes are cut or replaced with new ones

Another Russian film, "Major" Yuri Bykov, recently became a series in the States - Netflix launched the project "Seven seconds." The action is transferred from the Russian province to Jersey City, where a policeman inadvertently knocks down a black teenager, and his colleagues try to lower the matter on brakes.

But back to the series. What else from Russian projects interested foreigners? Well, for example, in Mongolia was adapted the series "Mamochki." In China, his own version of the sitcom "How I Became a Russian" is being removed. And in the States, like, they are preparing to shoot their version of "Major".

But the most successful Russian project is "Kitchen". Already six countries are successfully twisting their versions of this series. The chef of the restaurant appeared in Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, Estonia. Soon they will be added to China. The States were also gathering, but the project was still frozen

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