In 1979, when Ridley Scott's film "Alien" was released, James Cameron was a novice director. The film, he said, struck him to the core. He was impressed by the environment, design, characters that Scott created. And he already had the idea to remove the continuation of this story

But could a young aspiring director and screenwriter expect that "20th Century Fox" would entrust him with the sequel of such a successful project. But Cameron never retreated before the difficulties.

During the forced delay in the filming of the first "Terminator" - Schwarzenegger finished shooting in the "Conan Destroyer", the film crew had to wait for the lead actor nine months. It was during this pause that Cameron began working on the script to continue the film. When the shooting of "Terminator" began, the script of "Aliens" was still not completed - James wrote about 90 pages.

And it was in this unfinished form that the script got to the producers from the film company "20th Century Fox", and they liked it so much that it happened unprecedented: they did not just give a potential consent to the shooting of a novice and a little-known director, but also agreed to wait until Cameron finished "Terminator" and complete the work on the script for the new film.

By the way, actress Sigourney Weaver, who played Ripley in the movie "Alien", was at first rather skeptical about the intention to make a sequel, because she had a very high opinion of Ridley Scott, and doubted that the second part would be worthy of the original. In addition, Weaver by that time was already a real superstar, unlike all the other actors. But after reading the script of Cameron, and then having communicated with him personally, she realized that the scale of James's personality is not inferior to that of Scott, and that this is really an outstanding man and a talented director. She very quickly agreed to the shooting, and this was a great success.

Sources ... ] Sources
www.kino-mira.ru/za-kulisami-kino/1026-k ak-snimalis-chujie.html
www.dailydead.com/stan-winston-week-look-b ack-aliens-tom-woodruff-jr-howard-berger-e xclusive-photo-gallery
The redesigned post of my post on July 18, 2015, James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver on the set of the movie "Aliens"
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